Gameplay Flow

Quest Selection

Players begin by selecting a quest from the available options. Players can carefully evaluate the risks and rewards before sending their mages on the quest. The game features a wide range of quests, each associated with a different cost in SOL or $MANA which is deducted from the player's wallet upon initiating the quest. Quests range in difficulty and rewards, encouraging players to strategize and choose quests that best match their mages' capabilities. The lower the chance a quest has of succeeding, the bigger rewards they yield.

Quest Execution

Once a quest is chosen, players assign one or more mages to undertake the journey. The mages' attributes and abilities slightly influence the quest's success rate. Players can also create teams of mages with complementary skills to increase their likelihood of success.

Rewards and Consequences

Upon quest completion, the outcome is determined by a combination of RNG and their mage attributes. Successful quests yield rewards as specified by the quest. However, if a quest is unsuccessful, the SOL or $MANA used to initiate it will be lost.

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